Prepare to be shocked and amazed when you visit our office or our Facebook page throughout the next few weeks.
Our office is hosting an art exhibit with the Tooth Fairy as the central theme, and whether you are a patient, parent or visitor, you are invited to cast your vote on your favorite work of art through May 9.
This is our second year hosting this exhibit created with students from Art Studio “Artishock.” Students from the studio visited our office in March to gather information and inspiration for their artwork. They learned about the human growth and development process as it relates to the teeth. They also gained insight regarding how orthodontic care affects oral hygiene, life of the teeth, and improves your looks and life quality. Then they went back to the studio and created art based on what they learned, and incorporated their interpretation of the Tooth Fairy into their work.
Art instructor and “Artishock” founder Talia Prilutsky says the end result is a collection of artwork that will surprise the audience.
Your votes are important, because they’ll determine which art students win some incredible prizes. Winners will be announced May 18 and will receive a scholarship to cover one semester of classes at Artishock, as well as art supplies. The award for second place is a scholarship for one semester of classes, while the third place winner will receive art supplies.
You can vote two ways: by visiting our office, or by “liking” your favorite art on our Facebook page, where we have posted photos. Happy voting!